All members must maintain a 3.0 GPA and complete 20 community service hours a year. If a student falls below a 3.0 GPA, they will be placed on probation. If they cannot bring up their GPA in the allotted time, they will be removed from NJHS. If a student does not complete 20 community service hours by the last day of school, they will be removed from NJHS
Who are we?
The National Junior Honor Society is a nationwide program found in all 50 states, US territories and around the world. Its estimated that more than one million students participate in NJHS activates every year.
National Junior Honor Society chapters are guided by the Five Pillars: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Citizenship, and Character. You must be invited to join the National Junior Honor Society and these Pillars are used to select our members.
How Do I Join?
To become a member of the Stewart Middle School Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society, you must be invited. When we come back after Christmas break. The GPA’s of all 6th and 7th graders will be pulled. Any student that has over a 3.0 GPA will be invited to attend an informational meeting with Mrs. Jeffcott and the faculty council. If a student is interested in joining, all they have to do is turn in an application. Inductions are held in April.

Community Service
Is described as an event or task that you do not get paid for. This includes volunteering, doing yard work, or any service outside of your regular duties. If a student performs an IN SCHOOL service project, it does not have to be recorded. Any other community service project must be written on the Community Service Hours Sheet. Parents may not be the supervising adult for a community service projects.
Past Community Service Projects and Fundraisers
The RBSMS NJHS Chapter has been completing community service projects for years! Since Mrs. Jeffcott became advisor, we have:
Raised $500 for the Zach Springfield Foundation
Raised $500 for American Cancer Network
Served cancer survivors at Relay For Life
Raised $1400 for the Pasco County Humane Society
Raise $1200 for Meals on Wheels
Collected food and hygiene products for The Samaritan Project of Zephyrhills
Raised $5000 for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society
Participated in the Angel Tree. Donating clothes and Christmas gifts to students at Stewart.

Officers and Faculty Council
Advisor: Samantha Ballmann
Shannon Simon
Susan O’Farrell
Lynda Vest
Amanda Poulsen
Amy Drury
Dan Adan