Now is the time!
Middle school is the ideal time for students to learn about themselves, grow their knowledge and understanding of the world, and make memories. The RBSMS Music Program is a place where students can explore their love of music, grow, lead, serve others, and make some of their best friends.
Join the fun!
Any Raymond B. Middle School student is welcome to join our program. Students need only sign-up for Band or Chorus on their RBSMS Course Card. No experience is necessary. We will teach them everything that they need to know. Be sure to Mr. Schmidt if you need help or have any questions or concerns about our music program.
Why should you join the RBSMS Music program?
Music helps students learn!
Human brains are wired for music. Data shows that students who participate in music throughout school typically demonstrate higher achievement levels in language arts and math. The process of teaching music engages all types of learners: visual, auditory, and physical. The physical and mental performance skills developed by music students through practice can benefit them in other subject areas.
Music Supports Mental Health
Music is fantastic for relieving stress and reducing depression and anxiety, which is especially important for students in our society today. For many, music is an outlet for their emotions and allows them to express themselves through performance.
Make Friends & Have Fun
Participating in a music ensemble teaches students about teamwork and the joy of group accomplishment. Members of these ensembles share efforts and experiences and, as such, grow close friendships. Music friends are often friends for life, due to the close connections they form with one another. From concerts, to parades, to meals together, outings just for fun, past students will tell you that their time in band and choir provided some of their best memories in school.
Become the next member of the Bulldog Band & Choir!
Join Today - Email Mr. Schmidt!What if I am not sure if I want my child to do music?
Remember when your children wouldn’t eat the food you made for them? You always said, “Try it before you decide you don’t like it.” Music is the same way. Your child should sign up for a music class, like band and chorus, even if you or they are unsure. If at some point you decide that it is not for you, drop the class. It is much easier to drop something after trying it than to join late when everyone else has already started.
What if I my student doesn't know anything about music?
That’s ok! We will teach your child everything they need to know, step by step. We will guide your child through the process, from how to assemble and care for the instrument to reading notes and rhythms. All that is needed from you is an enthusiastic attitude and patient ears when your child comes home and makes their first sound.
How much out of school time is required?
Band and Chorus are no different than any other curricular area. We ask that your child spend some time with their instrument and music every week. Think of it as musical homework, but much more fun than traditional homework.
My student is interested in joining the band, what instrument should my child play?
The answer depends on a variety of things, but in the end, students must play something that they enjoy. I will help guide your child based on their musical interests, physical make-up, and instrument availability. Your child knows what she wants, you know your child, and I know music. Together, we will find the instrument that they will enjoy and give them the best chance of musical success.
What are the costs?
The costs associated with our music classes depends on which class your join and what instrument your child chooses. We wish funds were available for us to provide every child with an instrument, however, this is simply not possible. The school has an inventory of equipment that can be used for free, however it is limited, and is reserved for students choosing to play certain instruments or students who cannot afford to rent an instrument.
We have NEVER had a student unable to participate, because of money. We will help in anyway possible!
How does my student get a band instrument?
The school provides many of the larger and more expensive instruments. We encourage students playing smaller, less expensive instruments to either rent or purchase their instruments. More information regarding instrument availability will be available at our upcoming Beginning Band Parent Meeting.
What if I have other questions?
Please know that we are here to answer any and all questions that you may have. Feel free to contact Mr. Schmidt anytime.